Saturday, January 23, 2010

10 Days and Counting


As most of you know, I will be spending this spring semester in Australia. I will be living in Brisbane, Queensland, which is on the Eastern-most edge of the country, south of the Great Barrier Reef. I will be attending Queensland University of Technology (QUT), and will be living in an apartment nearby. I thought the best way to share my experiences with my family and friends at home would to to create a blog for everyone to read. I hope to update it frequently to let you all know what I am up to!

I will be leaving on February 2-- just 10 days away! I can't believe how quickly time has flown by. I had originally planned on studying abroad next fall, but after finding out Alecia, my sister, was pregnant, I decided to have my trip take place during her pregnancy, so that I could be home after the baby was born. I threw this whole thing together within two weeks of every deadline, which was incredibly stressful! I am so thankful I went for it, as I couldn't imagine a better time in my life to get out of Minneapolis and see more of the world.

Each day my life seems to become a little more crazy and stressful than the last. I am realizing how very little time I have left, and therefore it hasn't been easy for me to even leave the house. All that I really feel like doing is spending time at home with my family, dogs, and Pineapple. Last night, I went out to dinner with Katie, Baily, and their friend from high school, Helen, who flew in from California to visit. It was SO great to see them, and it made me realize how much I truly am going to miss everyone in Minneapolis, and my family and friends at home.

I have 5 of the next 10 days off work, two appointments, PLENTY of organizing to do, and in between all of that, I am hoping to find some time to relax and enjoy my last few days at home.

Until next time :)