Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Letter from Michael Moore on Health Care Reform

I want people to read this. A open letter from Michael Moore. I found it really interesting.

To My Fellow Citizens, the Republicans:

Thanks to last night's vote, that child of yours who has had asthma since birth will now be covered after suffering for her first nine years as an American child with a pre-existing condition.

Thanks to last night's vote, that 23-year-old of yours who will be hit one day by a drunk driver and spend six months recovering in the hospital will now not go bankrupt because you will be able to keep him on your insurance policy.

Thanks to last night's vote, after your cancer returns for the third time — racking up another $200,000 in costs to keep you alive — your insurance company will have to commit a criminal act if they even think of dropping you from their rolls.

Yes, my Republican friends, even though you have opposed this health care bill, we've made sure it is going to cover you, too, in your time of need. I know you're upset right now. I know you probably think that if you did get wiped out by an illness, or thrown out of your home because of a medical bankruptcy, that you would somehow pull yourself up by your bootstraps and survive. I know that's a comforting story to tell yourself, and if John Wayne were still alive I'm sure he could make that into a movie for you.

But the reality is that these health insurance companies have only one mission: To take as much money from you as they can — and then work like demons to deny you whatever coverage and help they can should you get sick.

So, when you find yourself suddenly broadsided by a life-threatening illness someday, perhaps you'll thank those pinko-socialist, Canadian-loving Democrats and independents for what they did Sunday evening.

If it's any consolation, the thieves who run the health insurance companies will still get to deny coverage to adults with pre-existing conditions for the next four years. They'll also get to cap an individual's annual health care reimbursements for the next four years. And if they break the pre-existing ban that was passed last night, they'll only be fined $100 a day! And, the best part? The law will require all citizens who aren't poor or old to write a check to a private insurance company. It's truly a banner day for these corporations.

So don't feel too bad. We're a long way from universal health care. Over 15 million Americans will still be uncovered — and that means about 15,000 will still lose their lives each year because they won't be able to afford to see a doctor or get an operation. But another 30,000 will live. I hope that's ok with you.

If you don't mind, we're now going to get busy trying to improve upon this bill so that all Americans are covered and so the grubby health insurance companies will be put out of business — because when it comes to helping the sick, no one should ever be allowed to ask the question, "How much money can we save by making this poor bastard suffer?"

Please, my Republican friends, if you can, take a quiet moment away from your AM radio and cable news network this morning and be happy for your country. We're doing better. And we're doing it for you, too.

Michael Moore

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Meet My Homies

Michael Maxwell Rouse (L)
AKA: Mikey, Rousey, Mickie Rouse, BC, Stick, Gayboy
Mikey has a sexy Australian accent.
That's the only reason I talk to him.
ONLY KIDDING. It's because he gives me cuddles whenever I want them or need them.
Mikey wants to be a doctor, and Aliey and I are QUITE supportive of this :)
Vincent Ban Chen Cheah
AKA: Vince, Ban Chen, Ban, Koko
Birthdate: September 19, 1989. Same as me.
Vince is my brother.
We have no doubts in our minds that we were separated at birth.
He was taken to Melbourne. I was swooped off to Minnesota.
Destiny brought us back together =]
Vince wears short rugby shorts, no shoes, a ying-yang bandana, and eats a lot of meat pies and ramen.
These are just a few reasons why I love him

Alex Dyson
He is from Queenstown, New Zealand, and is in Grade 12 in Brisbane.
He came to Australia to make it easier to enroll in Uni here after graduation.
While living here, Vince discovered that Alex was his brother, and in turn, I discovered that Alex was my brother!It's incredibly coincidental that we all ended up at the same apartment building, isn't it?
I am not sure if it is because Alex is from NZ, or if he just doesn't know how to talk, but I can rarely understand a word that comes out of his mouth. I still do managed to figure it out though.
Oh, and him and Vince are training to become UFC fighters by working out in the gym at our apartment.

Alison Lisun Cheah
AKA: Aliey, Vince's little sister
Aliey is the cutest little thing in the whole world. She can nearly fit inside my pocket.
She is in Dental School and is SUCH a clever girl.
She makes me laugh my bum off and gives me hugs and kisses all the time.
She also likes to touch Mikey's bum. He likes it too.
We are incredibly talented card makers when we put our brains (and sets of markers) together.
We also have the best D&Ms, and tell each other all of our silly little issues and daydreams

Katelyn Mineo(L)
AKA: Kate, Kake
Kate is from New Jersey. She goes to Rutgers University in New Brunswick and is studying Marine Chemistry and Math. She has the most wonderful curls in her hair and it makes me jealous! Kate is the most timid party animal there is. She loves going out, but always behaves herself. Wish I could say the same about myself.
Valerie Koppell(C)
AKA: Val
Also goes to Rutgers! She's studying geography and just got into the business school as well (congrats Val!) Val makes me feel extra lazy, because when I feel like going home and eating a million plates of food, she puts on her boots and heads out to go rock climbing. I think I should start using her as motivation to get my butt off the couch and exercise. We'll see.
Chelsea Lee Kahn(R)
AKA: Chels
Chelsea is from New Jersey. She is always smiley and is the best person to spill your guts to during long walks on the beach. She is studying Marine Biology and is the third of five girls here who go to Rutgers. She is a huge overachiever and makes me feel like I need to get out there and do more with my life. Well, at least to do enough that will let me get a job after graduation.

Elise (L)
AKA: Butters, Jersey
Elise goes to Rutgers and lives with Mary both in AUS and the US. She spends her day as the unofficial 'pool keeper', uniformed in a bright pink bikini. She eats a lot of bread and peanut butter, and if she's not by the pool, she's probably sitting on her bed wrapped up in a green towel.
Mary Isabel Rodriguez(R)
Mary and Elise are friends from back in New Jersey. They have lived together for 3 years and are bfffs. Mary is originally from the Dominican Republic. She likes to go on bike rides through the city with Vincent, and also takes a lot of naps!

Megan Mabin (L)
In Australia, you pronounce her name 'MEE-GHEN'.She is roommates with Jen and Amy, two American girls that came over with AustraLearn. She is from Mackay, QLD, which is up north a ways on the coast. Megan has the most ammazzing bright red hair, and it makes me so jealous!
Alana Day (C)
My first roomie, before Kayla showed up! She is from Pittsworth, QLD which is two hours west of Brisbane, inland, and has a really little population in the middle of no where (well , nearly no where) She is only 17! And turns 18 in May, which is when she can come out and play!
Kayla Duncan (R)
She is from Mackay, just like Megan, but they didn't know each other prior to moving to Brisbane. Kayla cooks the most amazing food every single night for dinner, while I stand next to her and cook my ramen noodles. It's slightly embarrassing, but she does let me use her fancy electric skillet when I want to make something that takes longer than 2 minutes to cook :)
She also has the most beautiful eyelashes I have ever seen. They are the same length as fake ones. NOT fair.

Alana Naumann
AKA: Lanie
Although she is from Australia, she can relate to all of our American conversations after spending one year in high school studying in Texas. She is probably one of the few Australians who is a basketball fan (which is played in AU, but not at all popular), only after going to Spurs games while she was in TX.

Hagen Fulford (L)
He is from Texas and incredibly proud of it! :-P He goes to Texas Tech in Lubbock with his girlfriendd.
Kagan Michelle Cunningham (R)
She is from Texas and goes to Texas Tech. Kagan is a girlie girl and a tomboy all mixed into one, which is why I love her so much! Hagen and Kagan went to high school together and they fell in loovveee and then went to college together and then came to Australia together! They are the most entertaining couple I have ever laid eyes on. The two of them crack me up!

Kara Grover (L)
She is from Ocean City, Maryland (doesn't that sound amazing?) and goes to Flagler College in Florida. She is roommates here with Amy.
Amy Buckley (R)
She is from Ocean City, MD, as well. Her and Kara are best friend since childhood, except Amy goes to Towson University in Maryland. The two of them together are so much fun to be around (well, apart too, but together it's even more fun!) They always tell funny stories of them growing up together, torturing little siblings, and all the trouble they managed to get themselves in!
Lisa Cahill (L)
She's from the bay area in San Francisco, but goes to CU at Boulder, and was in the Nu Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega there!
Lauren Hood (R)
She is also from the San Francisco area, and also goes to Boulder, but Lisa and Lauren didn't know each other prior to attending Boulder. She was in AXO with Lisa, but she dropped the house. Either way, it has been great to have fellow AXO sisters here with me! :)

Jennifer Zettl (L)
She is from Pittsburgh, and goes to University of Pittsburgh not far from home. Jen and I have two classes together; we keep each other entertained in the two most boring courses ever. We also spend lots of time chillin at the library, where she makes comments about me being on Facebook too much, until I point out that she is talking to at least a million people at a time on Gmail chat.
Amy Mullen (R)
She's from the Chicago area, and goes to school in Dayton, Ohio. Not sure who could leave Chitown for Ohio, but I think she enjoys it! Amy and Jen are roommates, with Megan (who was listed above)

Hunter Hannibal Bretting
A surfer boy from California (can you tell?) Hunter likes to make music with his keyboard, and cruise around the city on his skateboard. He has also offered to teach all of us to surf!
Donald Curry(L)
AKA Donny
He is from Michigan, and is such a funny guy. I don't think you could possibly be in a bad mood around him!
He always says something entirely random and sarcastic, and is really good at making everyone laugh.
Geoff Goral(R)
He is roommates with Vince and Mikey, and therefore is my other pseudo roomie. I think I might even spend more time in his apartment than he does.
Geoff takes his camera wherever he goes, and takes really sick pictures. He is going to school for something on the lines of lighting engineering, so taking pictures of lights is one of his favorite things to do, and they all turn out amazing!

LOVE them =]

I Love Ya, Man

It has been exactly a year since the death of a longtime friend, Joshua David Gunderson. For those of you who were lucky enough to know him, I know we are all mourning his loss together. For those of you who didn't, you surely missed out.

Josh was one of the most incredible people I have ever met. His smile lit up any room he walked in. His goofy laugh could be heard for miles. He was a varsity hockey player, baseball player, and loved by everyone. He had the most vibrant personality, and truly got along with everyone. He would be there at the drop of a hat, whenever you needed him. He would take time out if his day, or in the middle of the night, to do anything he could to cheer you up. He was absolutely everything you could have asked for in a friend. He didn't take life to seriously, and helped others in realizing not to take their own life too seriously either. Josh was taken from this world, from his friends and his family, far too soon.

You will forever be in our hearts. I think of daily, and hope you are having a crazy time in Heaven. Everyone there is so lucky to have such an amazing guy like you. I am so thankful to have been a part of your life, meeting one another in elementary school, laughing and joking with you through junior high, and causing a ruckus in Mr. H's class in high school while getting absolutely NOTHING done (except watching a bit of The Deadliest Catch). Only the good die young, right Joshy? They definitely took the best of the best. You really were remarkable, and my heart breaks to think how long it may be until I see you again. I love you.

"Friends are like balloons. Once you let them go, you might not get them back. Sometimes we get so busy with our own lives and problems that we may not even notice that we've let them fly away. Sometimes we are so caught up in who's write and who's wrong that we forget what's right and wrong. Sometimes we just don't realize what real friendship means until it's too late. I don't want that to happen, so I'm going to tie you to my heart. So I never lose you!" -Joshua David Gunderson

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Night Out in The Valley

Last night, Aliey hosted a BBQ on the rooftop of our apartment in celebration of her birthday. She bought 15 kgs of sausages, tons of chips and pop for everyone to eat. Diana even brought chocolate dipped strawberries! Num! A majority of the gang from our apartment building came, along with many of Aliey's dental school friends. We enjoyed a few hours of good weather before it started to sprinkle, and after two hours of standing in the sprinkling rain, we made our way in to 603 (Mikey and Vince's room).

After having a few drinks, we made our way out for the night. We headed to Fortitude Valley, or 'The Valley' as locals call it, which is a suburb of central Brisbane, just a two stop train ride away. It is well known for it's huge nightclubs. Because a few people were not dressed properly (i'll get back to that), we were only able to get into a couple of bars. We made the best of it, and ended up having an excellent night, with a little excitement from a bar fight, singing and dancing for hours, and finally making our way home around 3:00am. I am still surprised at how fast my nights here really do go! I am usually ready for bed at midnight, and all of a sudden it's almost morning!

Dress in Australia is SO entirely different than it is back in the states, or at least what I am used to. It is not that they dress differently, but everyone dresses up ALL the time! The girls are constantly looking like I would dress for a nice dinner, and they're just headed to Uni or shopping around Queen Street. You absolutely never see ANYONE headed to class in sweats, and you never find girls walking around in gym shorts and t-shirts. Guys also dress a lot nicer. It is common to see them wearing tighter jeans, nice shoes and a polo. Dressing up comes hugely into play when going out. Many clubs or bars around the city are very picky about what people are wearing. You are not allowed to wear flip flops, and guys must wear dress shoes, and, depending on the place, a button down shirt. Last night, because a friend was wearing a simple black collared t-shirt, not a button down shirt, this wasn't dressy enough, and we were unable to get into certain bars! Definitely a change from wearing jeans, dunks and a t-shirt to bars around the UMN campus!

A few more things:
Hungry Jacks = the Australian equivalence of Burger King. It really is the exact same store, with a different name. Same logo, same Whopper menu, just called something different.
Paying with a credit card is much different as well. You are always asked ‘credit, checking, or savings’ and then are asked ‘signature or pin’. They hold on to your card until after you sign the receipt and really compare how they look. I am so used to just scribbling out a signature because back home they barely check!
Ice Block = Popsicle

Friday, March 19, 2010

St. Patrick's Day Shenanigans

Wednesday night was not only a St. Patrick’s Day celebration in Brisbane, but it was Aliey’s 19th birthday as well! We started off the evening ordering pizza, having a rooftop dinner, singing Aliey Happy Birthday, and enjoying chocolate cake. We all dispersed to get ready for our evening out, and met up again in 603 decked out in our green gear. Chelsea brought a bunch of temporary St. Patrick’s Day tattoos, so we had fun applying those and taking photos around the apartment. The whole gang headed out to an Irish pub in the city called Irish Murphys. It was PACKED! Walking into the bar made me homesick for a minute, it looked so much like Blarney’s (a Irish bar on the University of Minnesota campus). The bar was huge, and dancing was so much fun. They played really old school music, like the Spice Girls, Hanson, the Jackson 5 and the Temptations. After hours of dancing, a group of us decided to head home, as I had to get up early for Uni this morning. We arrived back at the apartment, spent an hour or so relaxing and talking, and finally ended our St. Patrick’s Day night.

This is Aliey. She is Vince’s little sister, and it was her 19th birthday Wednesday. Isn’t she SUCH a cute girl?

To Aliey: Happy Birthday ladybug! I hope you had a fabulous 19th birthday, and I am SO happy to have been here to celebrate it with you! You are such a wonderful, sweet girl and I hope we all made your day really special! xx

Just one more photo:
My two Asian loves... Can you tell they're related?

All in all, it was an incredible St. Patrick's Day night out in Australia

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Byron Bay

This past weekend, a group of five of us traveled down south to Byron Bay, which is a beach-side town in the north of the state of New South Wales, just south of Brisbane, and is the eastern most city in the country of Australia. The group consisted of four of the girls from New Jersey; Chelsea, Kate, Elise and Mary, and me. I started off Friday morning with an Ecology practical (lab) at Uni, which luckily ended nearly an hour and a half early, as I would have had to leave early to catch the bus for my trip. I made my way over to the Brisbane Transit Station straight from Uni, all my gear in tow, to meet up with the rest of the girls.

Our bus took off at 1:15 pm, and we arrived at nearly 5:30. The trip was only 2.5 hours, but because Byron Bay is in New South Wales, which is affected by day lights savings time (the state of Queensland, where Brisbane is located, is the only state not affected by day lights savings time), we had to jump an hour ahead. We placed all of our things in our hostel, which held 10 people total, and met our first two hostel roommates, an English guy named Tom, and a French guy named Steve. Steve was traveling alone, Tom with two friends. We headed to the bar area of our hostel for dinner, where they provide free dinner with the purchase of a drink. Nothing exciting, but at least it was free food! This is where we met the other two English guys, Jack and Matt, and another English guy traveling alone named Oliver. After dinner all of us girls, along with all four English guys, got ready to go out, and headed out to the constantly recommended ‘Cheeky Monkeys’ which is a backpacker bar just down the street from our hostel. It was similar to our favorite bar in the city, but bigger and more dancing on tables. We had a great night dancing and getting to know our new friends, and after a long night, Chels and I left together. We decided we weren’t quite ready to head back to the hostel, so we grabbed a kebab and we made our way to the beach. It was just two blocks from our hostel, and we enjoyed an hour of laying in the sand and talking, before making our way back to head to bed.

Saturday morning we woke up and headed to the beach. We spent the day laying out, playing in the ocean, and taking lots of photos. We took a mid afternoon beach break to head to a nearby gelato/ice cream shop, and then made our way back to the beach. Saturday’s weather wasn’t all that nice. It rained a bit, but was also incredibly windy. It was difficult to lay out and enjoy the sun with so much sand flying around, but there were times when the wind did die down and we were really able to enjoy our beautiful surroundings. After hours at the beach, we headed back to the hostel to shower, buy a drink to get our free dinner, and start getting ready to head out. The five of us girls headed to a bar called LaLa Land, which appearance wise was pretty cool, but was too much of a ‘lounge’ for us. We needed dancing, so we headed to another nearby bar, the Beach Hotel. It was a really neat place, and we enjoyed a bit of dancing, and decided that all together we didn’t really want to be out anymore, so we headed back to the hostel, where minutes later Tom, Oliver, Jack and Matt came through the door. We spent the rest of the evening hanging out in our hostel, snacking on Mary’s chips (or ‘crisps’ as the English would say) and laughing at each others accents and sayings.

The following morning we had to check out of our hostel by 10 am, as we would be heading back to Brisbane that evening. Because the guys were staying a few extra days, they were nice enough to let us leave some of our things in their room. We headed to the beach early morning, and not long after it started sprinkling, and then down pouring rain on us. We ran back to the hostel while we let the rain pass, and then did a bit of shopping in the town. We headed back to the beach early afternoon to enjoy our last few hours in Byron Bay, where I decided to take a long walk down the beach. I saw some really incredible views, and spent quite some time standing at the top of a set of rocks and watching people surf. I have never really seen anyone surf before, and after seeing it this weekend, I think I could have sat there for hours just watching. After a 2 hour walk and complete exhaustion after climbing in flip flops and walking down the beach, I went back to our spot on the beach to meet up with the rest of the girls, where we soon came across our English friends. We started kicking around the soccer ball, which turned into a game of beach volleyball with the soccer ball, resulting in Kate fracturing her finger! Once again, we were lucky enough to be able to use the hostel one last time to shower before we said our goodbyes and hopped on the bus back home to Brisbane.

I had such a great weekend, and I am still in shock at how beautiful every place I have gone in this country truly is. I cannot get enough of the sand, sun, ocean, and the beautiful city I live in. I have recently spoken with my mom, and I think I will be extending my trip through July, because I just don’t think I will be ready to leave yet.

HIGHLIGHT OF MY WEEK: MY BEST FRIEND CHRISSY FROM STILLWATER BOOKED A FLIGHT TO COME VISIT ME AFTER SHE FINISHES FINALS! She mentioned about a month ago it would be fun to come visit, and out of nowhere I get a text from her saying she bought her flight! I am so incredibly excited and cannot wait to see her. She will be flying out of MN May 19th, and leaving Australia June 3.

More fun facts about Australia:
Bogan= a person who is white trash or a redneck
Arvo = Afternoon
Morning / Afternoon Tea = morning/ afternoon snack
Lolly = Candy
Ute = Utility vehicle—a small sized truck. I haven’t actually seen ANY full sized trucks over here. They are all Ranger sized or smaller! All vehicles in general are much smaller.